Frequently Asked Questions - Energy Productivity
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Energy efficiency is widely considered to be the first fuel for reducing emissions. It is the fuel you do not need to use, and in most cases is also the cheapest emissions reduction to access. Most sites in Australia that do not already have a focus on reducing energy consumption are able to easily find more than 20% energy savings by carrying out analysis on their operations, and at GECM, this is something we strongly recommend.
At GECM we have a strong understanding of the incentives available to Australian businesses implementing energy saving projects. This allows us to ensure you are aware of your opportunities and able to maximise your return on investment in efficient technologies. The most current incentive opportunity comes in the form of “temporary full expensing” from the Federal Government in the 2020-2021 budget, allowing businesses to make deductions for the full value of depreciating assets up front. This opportunity currently ends on the 30th of June 2023.
Demand response is the process of reducing load at periods of high demand on the electricity grid. There can be financial incentives for doing this depending on the size of the load you are able to shut off and the amount of notice you need to be given to do so. The GECM Productivity Suite (our platform) has the capability to control loads which you identify as low risk, to be shut down with any agreed notification requirements, should you wish to participate in demand response events.